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BrightOcular is an intraocular implant (eye color surgery) that is placed in the anterior chamber of the eye to change the appearance of the iris for both medical and cosmetic reasons.

Medically, it can be used in patients with iris abnormalities such as ocular albinism, coloboma, total/partial aniridia as well as heterochromia and iris atrophy. BrightOcular implants are able decrease photophobia and project the form of a healthy iris for patients with irregular iris appearance.

BrightOcular is also available as a way for healthy and safe individuals to alter their eye color and serves as an alternative to colored contact lenses for those wishing to achieve permanent cosmetic results.

BrightOcular is a distinct, cutting-edge technology that offers excellent cosmetic results, while taking into account the anatomy and physiology of the eye. The patented design of the BrightOcular implant minimizes the risks of prolonged pressure increases in the eye that can lead to glaucoma and blindness.

BrightOcular is a distinct, individual entity that is not affiliated with any other company offering intraocular cosmetic procedures. The BrightOcular implant is unique from any other ophthalmic implant in the market today due to it’s distinguishing structural features which separate it from any other existing cosmetic artificial iris implant. These patented structural features make the BrightOcular implant safer by minimizing risks of prolonged elevated eye pressure unlike other intraocular implants on the market. The BrightOcular implant also is made with FDA recognized materials which also makes it safer and unique. The Brightocular implanting method is done by using an intraocular injector as opposed to Kahn Medical implant from Panama that is manually implanted due to its flimsy unstable material increasing risk of trauma and endothelium cell loss when implanting as seen on this youtube video.

The United States Brightocular 2012 patent is the only artificial iris implant in the world with patented grooves and ribs on the posterior surface minimizing iris contact, which ensures a continuous flow of aqueous humor between the implant and the iris reducing possibility of iris atrophy, iritis, and increase of eye pressure or glaucoma as seen in published reports of Kahn Medicals 2003 Newiris implant patent from Panama.

Brightoculars U.S. patented grooves and ribs can be seen in this video also displaying the injector which is used for many intraocular implants today.

The doctors who perform the BrightOcular procedures are well-reputed and experienced in the ophthalmology field who have performed several thousands of ocular surgeries.

The goal of the BrightOcular is not to correct decreased vision or refractive errors of the eye, rather it is to project a healthy colored iris and protect the eye from excessive sunlight (photosensitivity). Patients will still need to wear refractive instruments to correct their vision if they do before the surgery.

You may still perform LASIK treatments with the BrightOcular, but any LASIK surgery should be completed at least three days before the procedure or three months after the procedure. We offer lasik and other vision correction correction procedures.

This intraocular implant material is a medical grade silicone which is currently used in many different intraocular lenses including those used in cases of cataract or for vision correction. The silicone material is safe and has passed ISO standardized regulations for manufacturing and testing. It is inert, non-toxic, and biocompatible with the human body. The implant is made to last the lifetime of the patient.

Proper patient selection is very important for the success of the procedure and minimize risks. You must have a careful ophthalmic examination and your ophthalmic tests will be evaluated by our surgeon prior the surgery.

As with any eye procedure or surgery there are risks. Potential artificial iris intraocular implant complications are infections, ocular hypertension, glaucoma, iritis, corneal edema, hyphema . corneal decompensation, endothelial cell loss, natural lens opacification, iris atrophy, cataract, pupil ovalization and photophobia. Implants can be removed if any side effect occurs.

Other surgeries may be necessary to control, reduce, or eliminate possible complications. If a complication occurs during the surgery, the surgeon may refrain from implanting the prosthetic iris.

Most artificial iris implant surgeries are done for medical purposes and they are necessary and recommended to treat diseases. This method is not recommended for merely cosmetic purposes. Nevertheless, hundreds of patients around the world have successfully permanently change their iris color for cosmetic reasons only

In order to determine your eligibility for the procedure, you must undergo a complete eye examination by an ophthalmologist. This will include:

  • Visual acuity and refraction
  • Intraocular pressure
  • Anterior chamber depth of the eye
  • White to white corneal diameter
  • Gonioscopy of anterior chamber angle
  • Peripheral retinal examination and axial length of the eye
  • Endothelium cell count, specular microscopy

Systemic disease (Diabetes Mellitus, Behcet’s Disease, Any Collagen Tissue Disease)
Hepatitis B/C
Previous uveitis attack
Past/Current medication

The implantation procedure is about 15 minutes per eye.

The procedure is performed under topical anesthesia. This maintains adequate anesthesia so the patient does not feel pain during the surgery.

Yes, the implant can be removed and replaced anytime after implantation.

The recovery period is different for each individual. It is normal to feel itching and some mild discomfort after the surgery. You may also have tearing from your eye and be sensitive to light. After a couple of days, all discomfort should disappear.

You may feel blurred vision and see redness of the eyes during the first 2 weeks after the surgery. In about 2 weeks you will gain your previous visual acuity, however this period is up to 1 month for some patients. Your doctor will prescribe medications to prevent infection and inflammation during the recovery period. The medication regimen for drops is for approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Although full recovery time differs from patient to patient, it typically on average takes between one and two months. For some cases we have seen patients recovery take 4 to 6 months.

Normally you can go home on the same day of your surgery, but you won’t be able to drive. It’s a good idea to make sure you have necessary help because your doctor may limit activities such as bending and lifting for a few days. During recovery; avoid rubbing or pressing on your eye, do not lift any heavy objects. You can walk, climb stairs, and do light household chores.

After recovery, patients can do any of their normal activities but are asked to limit swimming in the first three months. LASIK treatments can be completed four days before the brightocular or one month post op.

We have multiple locations where the procedure is performed and the number of clinics is growing rapidly. For an up-to-date full list of locations where the procedure is offered, please contact us. Doctors who perform the procedure are top-notch ophthalmologists in the field who have been practicing for many years and have completed several thousands of surgeries.

BrightOcular is made of medical grade silicone and colorants that have been tested and is USP VI certified. The materials used in the implant have been approved for use in implantable devices by the FDA.

With any eye surgery there is risk of visual acuity being compromised. BrightOcular has been tested successfully with no harm or vision loss. Surgeries have been carried out since 2010 with no patient going blind from the intraocular implantation technique.

Brightocular procedure has not registered with the FDA nor is it available in the United States for clinical trials yet. Other artificial iris implants are currently available in the U.S. and Europe for medical cases only. As many medical devices, brightocular is first filing internationally, CE mark in Europe as other prosthetic iris implants have done. The next step would be to file with the FDA. However silicone and colorants used in the prosthesis are FDA recognized and biocompatible. BO offers best eye color change surgery.

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